Tirana - Guide books

We recommend to buy some of the best English written Tirana guide books. To make your choice some Albania guide books and literature is attached as well.

Albania: The Bradt Travel Guide

by Gillian Gloyer

Albania is perhaps the last hidden corner of eastern Europe, newly opening its frontiers to travelers after decades of tyranny and instability. The Bradt guide to Albania takes a fresh look at how and where to explore the heritage of a country influenced by the Greeks, Romans, Italians, and Turks--who have all left their mark on the landscape and culture. Albania boasts breathtaking natural beauty, splendid and empty beaches, excellent local wines, a Mediterranean climate, and a tradition of hospitality making it a potentially prime vacation destination easily accessible by air, ferry via the Greek islands and Italy, or even by road via mainland Greece, Montenegro, or Kosovo. In addition to all the usual practical information, there is a detailed and easy-to-follow guide to the Albanian language.



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